The British Association of Indian Anesthetists

The British Association of Indian Anaesthetists was founded in 2002 by Anaesthetists of Indian Origin working in the UK.

Our main objectives are

  • Meet once a year for academic, social and cultural events.
  • Provide an opportunity and a platform for the Anaesthetists of Indian origin to present and share their areas of expertise.
  • Recognise, appreciate and acknowledge the significant contributions made to the profession, by Indian Anaesthetists in UK.
  • Encourage research amongst members of the society.
  • Acting in an advisory/mentoring capacity for the trainees and Middle grades and also offering guidance regarding FRCA.
  • Have a duty to the country in which we live and simultaneously to the country of our origin.

Helping district hospitals in India by distributing books, journals, and equipments and by also organising ALS/ATLS and other workshops.

The British Association of Indian Anesthetists
The British Association of Indian Anesthetists

President BAOIA

Dr Peeyush Kumar

Consultant Anaesthetist
University Hospital Coventry

Associate Clinical Professor (Hon.)
University of Warwick

The British Association of Indian Anesthetists

Secretary BAOIA

Dr Nandita Divekar

Consultant Anaesthetist

The British Association of Indian Anesthetists

Treasurer BAOIA

Dr Naveen Canchi

Consultant Anaesthetist